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Geography at Battle Primary Academy reaches far beyond learning how to read a map or use an atlas, it helps us embrace different cultures from around the world and become open-minded learners. Geography equips us with the knowledge to make connections between human and physical aspects of the world, deepening our understanding of our planet. As geographers at Battle Primary Academy, we are curious to keep exploring the wider world through a variety of learning experiences, as we become caring global citizens working towards a sustainable future. 


At Battle Primary Academy we aim to engage all children with an enthusiasm and care for the planet on which we live.

To have a good understanding and awareness of the local area.

To use a map to locate and name continents and countries around the world.

To understand the relationship between human and physical geography, and their impact on the world.

That children will develop a range of geographical skills through class based tasks and fieldwork sessions.

To understand the importance of current environmental issues and possible solutions to these.

That, where possible, cross curricular links are made to other subjects.

To explore and embrace the diversity of different cultures.


Each year, the teaching of Geography will build on the previous year’s study, to develop the children’s learning and progression.

The teaching of geography will, wherever possible, include links to the local area and other subjects taught, to allow children to contextualise their learning.

Visits and exploration of the local area should happen wherever appropriate, to enrich the children’s cultural capital.

Highly quality visuals and teaching resources should always to used.

Children will be kept up to date with current geographical and environmental issues.

High quality modelling of the use of geographical skills will be demonstrated in teaching at Battle.

The school will observe a range of ‘theme days’ and celebrations.

Children are made aware of the purpose of their learning.

The school will make use of external expert knowledge on particular areas wherever possible. (parent visits/local experts)


Children will leave Battle confident in applying a wide range of geographical skills.

Children will have an understanding and respect for other cultures.

Children are able to share and reflect on their learning.

Evidence of work will be recorded to show progress and development of the children’s understanding.

Children’s cultural capital will be increased through exposure to ‘theme days’ and celebrations within the school.